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Why You Should Choose Giamberardino Dental Care

January 22, 2014

Dr. GiamberardinoWhen people go dentist shopping for the first time or are thinking about switching dentists, it can be a very daunting task. You have to find a dentist you feel comfortable, a dentist you just click with. At Giamberardino Dental Care, we strive to make sure you are completely comfortable and enjoy your visit to our office. Dr. Giamberardino and our very experienced team make your comfort our number one priority.

We have several amenities to make sure you are well taken care of. We offer refreshments, and have satellite radio for you to enjoy music during your experience. We also offer very comfortable neck rests for you to relax, television, and deliciously warm hand towels.

With over 200 years of combined experience between our doctor and intelligent team, there is no doubt we will be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Also, with Dr. Giamberardino being a member of numerous organizations and receiving the Harvard Community Health Plan DIAMOND AWARD for his excellence in patient care, you can be sure you are in well-equipped hands.

If you are on the lookout for a new doctor, we sincerely hope you let Giamberardino Dental Care take care of you and your family’s needs. We will be sure to make you our top priority in achieving excellent oral health!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Give Your Gums the Star Treatment

January 8, 2014

shutterstock_144914185A lot of people may not know this, but besides your dentist, you alone are the main fighter in making sure you are in excellent oral health. Your dentist can only do so much, but it is up to you to make sure you keep up the excellent work. The important thing is to remember healthy gums is a key component in having a healthy smile. Though many may not find important in flossing or mouthwash, they are a couple of key factors in a long-lasting, exceptional smile.

At Giamberardino Dental Care, we emphasize gum health. Over 80% of the population has some form of gum disease. Although gum disease is completely reversible of caught early on, if left untreated, it can lead to severe complications like heart disease, tooth loss, and bone disease.

One of the things you can do to make sure you have healthy gums is to floss at least twice a day. Floss eliminates the food trapped between your teeth, preventing bacteria from making your gums their new home. Studies have shown that regular flossing is one way to lower your risk of heart disease.

Using mouth wash is also an excellent way to have beautiful gums. Though brushing your teeth definitely eliminates bacteria, tooth brushes can only go so far. Using mouthwash reaches all the nooks and crannies you can miss. Definitely choose an antibacterial mouthwash, and preferably one with fluoride. This way, it will kill any remaining bacteria, as well as strengthen your teeth.

These simple tools can definitely help you with your journey of perfect oral health. If you feel as though your gums are in need of some assistance and want Dr. Giamberardino to help, call us and make an appointment, and we’d be more than happy to help!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

CEREC Same-Day Crowns

January 3, 2014

So many new developments and inventions have been made to create a world of beautiful healthy smiles, and at Giamberardino Dental Care, we pride ourselves in keeping up with the latest technology to benefit our patients. That is why we offer CEREC same-day crowns, a revolutionary technique  that will change how you feel about crowns forever.

What CEREC same-day crowns offers is the ability for Dr. Giamberardino to produce a custom-made crown made specifically for you in a single office visit, from start to finish. The process begins with preparing your natural tooth as the doctor normally would for a crown. Then a scanner scans your prepared tooth and the surrounding area, and that information is sent to a computer. When the computer assesses the information, it displays a picture of the crown that is needed. What the computer then does is communicates with the milling machine in our office, the machine that makes your crown. Your custom made CEREC crown is then sculpted from a single block of porcelain. For the machine to make your crown takes between 10-20 minutes, and uses porcelain that exactly matches the color of your natural tooth. Once your crown is finished, it is cemented onto your prepared, natural prepped tooth. Voila! You’re left with nothing but a beautiful new smile you can feel confident about, and all in one convenient appointment. While this technology can be used for most teeth, there are still certain situations where a traditional 2 visit crown may be necessary.  Just give the office a call to set up a free consultation to evaluate your specific needs

One of the great benefits of CEREC one-day crowns is the fact the crown is metal and mercury free and your cosmetic restoration is as natural looking as your adjacent teeth. CEREC crowns offer stronger protection than other crowns, making it ideal for teeth toward the back of the mouth. Also, there are no impressions that need to be made for CEREC crowns, eliminating any discomfort associated with crown fittings. With over 25 years of research and happy customers, there is no doubt Dr. Giamberardino and CEREC same-day crowns will be able to give you the smile you’ve always wanted!

Using Your Dental Benefits Before 2014!

December 3, 2013



Though it may not seem important, taking advantage of your dental insurance before the year ends can save you money in the long run. Because most insurance companies run off of the calendar year, whatever benefits you haven’t used before midnight December 30 is long gone.

Not comparable to your cell phone minutes, your dental insurance benefits don’t roll over to the new year if you have not used them. You work hard for your benefits, and not taking advantage of them before the year is up can possible leave you wasting hundreds of dollars. If you use your benefits before the New Year, you’ll be able to take advantage of your deductible before it resets. It’ll also give you the ability to use up your annual maximums. Another important reason is to take care of any dental woes before they get any worse! Even though it may seem like a small stain or discomfort now, along the line, it can possibly mean a more extensive procedure.

If you are unsure about what your dental benefits may be or when they expire, ask your employer, or use the company handbook as a reference. Either way, being able to use your dental benefits before the year ends is beneficial for your money, and, more importantly, your teeth.

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Catching Up with Dr. Giamberardino

August 5, 2013

Today we wanted to talk to you a little about Dr. Anthony Giamberardino. He is the primary dentist here at Giamberardino Dental Care, and is always ready to help restore smiles with his wealth of dental knowledge and experience.

Dr. Giamberardino graduated from Harvard College in 1980 with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and graduated from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in 1985 with a Doctorate of Dental Medicine. This has provided him with a strong foundation of dental knowledge. He has also received the Harvard Community Health Plan DIAMOND AWARD which recognizes doctors with a commitment to serving both patients and their staff. On top of all this, he’s also a member of many associations, including the American Dental Association (ADA), the Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD).

Not only is he an experienced dentist, but Dr. Giamberardino is also active in the community. He’s been a member of the Medford Chamber of Commerce, a member and past president of the Medford Rotary Club, a vice president and member of the Board of Directors of the Medford Rotary Club, and even sponsors the Bernardo Giamberardino Memorial Scholarship for high school students.

Hopefully if you’re an existing patient you gained some further insight into Dr. Giamberardino’s skills and background, and if you’re a potential patient this will help you to choose us as your dental office. Please give us a call if you have any questions, want to learn more, or want to set up an appointment.

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Cosmetic Bonding Provides a Quick Smile Update

July 22, 2013

At Dr. Giamberardino’s dental office, we offer a variety of cosmetic dentistry solutions to help improve your smile. One of these procedures is cosmetic bonding. This is a quick way to improve the appearance of your smile.

Bonding describes a process of affixing cosmetic resin to the teeth to help cover up flaws or imperfections. The resin is cured and hardened for a strong bond with your tooth. Cosmetic bonding is used to hide chips and stains, cover small gaps and even help to correct a slight misalignment. The resin is custom matched to your tooth color for a natural looking restoration.

This treatment is best for correcting small areas. If more extensive restorations are needed, crowns or porcelain veneers may be a better choice. Dr. Giamberardino can examine your smile and come up with the right treatment to help your smile look great.

If you’re not satisfied with your smile when you look in the mirror, there’s a lot of cosmetic dentistry solutions available to help. Cosmetic bonding can be a great way to improve the appearance of your smile by covering over small imperfections.

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Dental Implants for a Healthy Smile

February 5, 2013

If you’re missing teeth, dental implants from Giamberardino Dental Care could be what you’ve been looking for to help restore your smile. We want to help all our patients smile proudly again.

Dental implants are a good way to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. If you’re missing teeth, it could affect your ability to eat, hurt your self esteem, and even increase your risk of losing more teeth. They will look and feel natural, and blend in with the rest of your teeth.

One of the major advantages of dental implants is that they are anchored into your jaw. This helps increase the stability of the implant, as over time the implanted post will fuse with your jaw bone. Since the implants are a part of your mouth, you won’t have the slippage that is sometimes associated with dentures.

Implants can be used to replace a single tooth, or can support a bridge, partial denture or full denture. There are a variety of dental implant options available, so there’s bound to be a solution that fits your smile needs.

If properly taken care of, your dental implants can last you a lifetime. You’ll have a beautiful, healthy smile once again. If you’re interested in learning more, or want to see if dental implants are right for you, give us a call! We’d love to help.

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

Take a Peek into Your Future with Smile Vision at Giamberardino Dental Care

June 21, 2012

Have you seriously considered a smile makeover with porcelain veneers, CEREC crowns, teeth whitening, or another effective service? If you have, then at some point you may have also felt a twinge of nervousness. Maybe you’ve thought to yourself, what will my smile look like? Will I like the results? Why can’t there be a way for me to see what my finished smile will look like before I commit to anything?

The good news is that you can do exactly that at Giamberardino Dental Care. Using a great tool like Smile Vision, Dr. Giamberardino can take a picture of your smile and use it to simulate the results of your procedure. That way, as you think about what services you’d like to take advantage of, you can have a handy visual aid with you to guide your thinking.

For more information on what Smile Vision is and how Dr. Giamberardino can use it to help you choose the right service for you, get in touch with Giamberardino Dental Care today. We’d be happy to answer your questions, in addition to scheduling a consultation visit for you. During your consultation visit, we’ll have a chance to talk with you more about what results you’d like to see before showing you exactly how Smile Vision works.

Call Giamberardino Dental Care today to schedule your appointment. Dr. Giamberardino happily serves patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and beyond.


What Do Our Patients Think of Giamberardino Dental Care?

June 7, 2012

We know how nerve-wracking a first visit with a new dentist can be. That’s why Dr. Giamberardino has a page for testimonials on his website. With these quotes from actual patients, we can begin laying that foundation of trust that’s absolutely essential for doctors and patients to share. That way, when you arrive at our Medford dental office for your appointment, you’ll already feel much more confident and relaxed in our ability to meet your dental care needs.

Below you’ll find just a few of the great testimonials currently up on Dr. Giamberardino’s site. To see them all, click here to visit our Gallery & Testimonials page.


“I was disappointment in my appearance when I smiled. When Dr. G started to make changes in my teeth, I found new confidence. Now I can keep on smiling!”


“Not only did the cosmetic dentistry correct an overlap on my front tooth, but my teeth look fantastic in comparison! Wish I had done this even sooner. Dr. G was great and patient through it all.”


“I put off having my old upper bridge replaced for so long, then when I did it, it was a very easy experience. As big a project as it was, I had no pain and no discomfort and the end result was better than expect.”

Are You Ready to Schedule Your Appointment with Dr. Giamberardino?

If you’d like to schedule a visit with us, call Giamberardino Dental Care in Medford today. We serve patients from Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and beyond.


Have You Seen Our New YouTube Video?

May 15, 2012

If you live in the Medford area and are new to our site, we invite you to check out our brand new YouTube video. With this professional-quality video, you can meet Dr. Giamberardino and get to know a little bit about the services and technology we offer at our Medford office, including:

To see the video, just look before to view the embedded version. You can also click on the YouTube icon in the upper right-hand corner of our site to see it on our YouTube channel.

Let Us Create a New Smile for You!

Now that you’ve gotten to know us a little, we’d like to get to know you! Call our Medford office today to schedule an appointment with us. We serve patients from Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding areas.

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