(781) 396-3800

Enjoy The Benefits of Great Tea

May 31, 2014

shutterstock_130457435There are so many types of teas out there, the choices can be overwhelming! From black to white, ginger to spearmint, tea has been around for thousands of years, and has been proven to have many beneficial to the body in so many ways. One of the most beneficial teas the world has to offer is green tea. Being able to be a super food for many areas of your body, some people may not know about the amazing contributions a cup of green tea can make!

One of the amazing advantages to drinking green tea is the fact that it helps with your brain and your heart. Green tea is full of catechin, which are antioxidant that fight off, and have the ability to prevent, cell damage. Studies have proven that drinking green tea is directly linked to having a larger amount of activity in the working memory part of your brain. Also, drinking green tea has been shown to block the development of plaques that have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

For those with diabetes, green tea helps been the blood sugar level stable! If you are over worked and very stressed, green tea has an amino acid called theanine, something that can have a calming effect on people. For those trying to lose some weight, green tea can help increase your metabolism, helping you burn more fat calories! There are so many amazing advantages to having a cup of delicious green tea, and you should definitely experience it for yourself!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Crown and Bridge Therapy with Dr. Giamberardino

May 27, 2014

shutterstock_99705527If you have an incomplete smile, you may find it hard to be one hundred percent confident in the way you look and in the way you present yourself to others. Many people consider a smile a first impression, and not being confident in the way you look definitely has an effect on the way you interact with others. Having teeth missing from your smile can make a big impact on your oral and bodily health, and Dr. Giamberardino is able to give you the full smile you have always wanted with the use of crowns and bridges.

A crown, also known as a dental cap, is placed atop an existing tooth as to prevent it from any further harm or damage. Looking exactly like natural teeth, crowns are able to give you a healthy, beautiful smile without looking unnatural. There are many reasons why someone would need a crown, such as a cavity that as gone awry and a filling would not be able to take care of the issue. Crowns are also excellent for cracked or fractured teeth, after root canal therapy, or to keep a fixed bridge into place.

Bridges are used to replace a missing tooth, or a row of teeth, kept in place by crowns affixed to remaining teeth. The important thing with bridges is that you must have healthy, stable teeth to act as anchors to keep the bridge properly in place.  Because bridges are not able to be moved, you do not have to worry about it moving out of place, being able to enjoy the security of your smile at all times.

If you are curious about crowns and bridges and how Dr. Giamberardino can help give you a great looking smile in no time, please contact our office and make an appointment! We would love to see you, and will be more than happy to help!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Give Your Smile A Makeover with Porcelain Veneers

April 22, 2014

she so purdyHaving a perfect smile is something many people strive for. Beautiful, straight, white teeth are an accomplishment few people get to have, and being able to have a smile like that is something to be proud of. Being insecure about your smile is never easy to live with, and you may think that nothing will be able to help. Thankfully, Dr. Giamberardino is able to give you the Hollywood smile you have always wanted with the use of porcelain veneers.

The start to getting your porcelain veneers begins with a consultation with Dr. Giamberardino. There, he will be able to fully assess your smile in its current state, as well as ask you about your future goals regarding your smile. This will also give you the chance to address any questions or concerns you may have, as we want you to be fully informed throughout the entire procedure. Once it is determined that you are a candidate, that is where the real fun begins!

Your natural tooth is prepared for your porcelain veneers by removing a small bit of enamel. Your custom made porcelain veneers are then added, and are made permanent with dental resin cement. A simple procedure, but at the end, you are left with a completely new smile that anyone would be proud of showing off! If you are curious as to how Dr. Giamberardino can help give your smile the makeover you deserve with porcelain veneers, make an appointment today, and we will be glad to help!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Chewing Gum Can Help Your Teeth!

April 8, 2014

chew dat gum!There are many habits that people have that they perform without even thinking about it. Biting nails, playing with hair- both of these are examples of habits people do unconsciously. Another habit may be chewing gum. Chewing gum is a simple yet effective habit that can ease your stress, keep you occupied, or simply cure a simple sweet tooth. What you may not know, however, is that chewing gum could be good for your teeth!

Since ancient times, the Greeks, Mayans, and Native Americans all enjoyed in some form of gum chewing, and today in the 21st century, we are no different. With so many options of chewable delights to choose from, sometimes the options can be overwhelming, but they all work to deliver a healthier smile. Chewing gum increases the production of saliva in your mouth, and that increase can neutralize and eliminate the acids and leftover food particles in your mouth after you eat. This also leads to a lower risk of plaque and tartar buildup, as the bacteria will not have enough time to stay in your mouth and attach themselves to your teeth.

Also, chewing gum, along with the increased saliva production, carries more calcium and phosphate, both of which help build stronger tooth enamel, meaning a healthier smile. Studies have shown that chewing gum for at least twenty minutes after eating a meal helps prevent tooth decay, which can really make a difference down the road in regards to your smile.

So the next time you put a piece of gum in your mouth, you will be able to relish in the fact that it is doing wonders for your smile! It is important to keep in mind that a sugar free xylitol based gum be preferred, as sugar-based gums can cause cavities and other types of decay! All of these helpful tips will have you smiling healthily for years to come.

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Regular Checkups Can Save Your Smile!

March 19, 2014

shutterstock_149625803Just like most things in life, from your car to your health, regular checkups are the key to making sure that everything and anything runs smoothly. The same thing goes for your teeth! It is important to have your regular dental checkups to make sure everything regarding your teeth, gums, and everything else are working cohesively. If you are due for a dental checkup, Dr. Anthony Giamberardino is ready and able to take care of you and your smile!

The American Dental Association recommends you visit your dentist twice a year to make sure everything with regarding your smile is happy and healthy. During your checkup, Dr. Giamberardino will be able to look at every single tooth, making sure there are no signs of decay or any early signs of gum disease. If we do happen to find a cavity or another form of decay, we will be able to fix them with tooth-colored fillings, such as fillings, inlays, onlays, and crowns, making the repair as seamless as possible. Our experienced hygienists will be able to remove tartar and plaque from your teeth, eliminating the harmful bacteria that may prevent you from having a healthy smile.

One of the many benefits to having regular dental checkups is the fact that it gives us the opportunity to spot things before they become a serious problem. What may seem like a little discomfort or a small crack now can lead to a much more painful and expensive procedure later in life. If you are due for your dental checkup and would like Dr. Giamberardino’s help, contact us today and make an appointment!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Make Your Smile Flawless with Cosmetic Bonding

March 5, 2014

shutterstock_95709055Like everything in life, a little maintenance here and there can make a world of difference. Whether your silver needs to be polished or your house needs to be cleaned, all things go through life’s little knocks, and it is important to make sure you take care of those things. Believe it or not, your teeth are no different. A few chips and stains here and there can really start to take its toll on your smile. Luckily, Dr. Anthony Giamberardino is able to give his patients a new smile with the help of cosmetic bonding.

Cosmetic bonding is simple yet effective, as it gives you the ability to have a seamless smile with simplicity! Cosmetic bonding can help those who have misaligned, misshapen, chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth, making it one of the easiest ways to transform your smile in such a little amount of time. It works by mixing a bonding liquid and a plastic resin, then placing it on your teeth. Once the bonding is set, Dr. Giamberardino will smooth and polish it to look like your own, natural tooth! At the end of the procedure, you are left with nothing but a beautiful, flawless smile!

One of the benefits to cosmetic bonding is the fact it can restore the confidence you may have lost feeling insecure about your smile. When you are not completely confident in your smile, you may find it hard to be around others. With this simple procedure, you will be able to be secure in the fact that your smile is outstanding! If you are interested in cosmetic bonding and how Dr. Giamberardino is able to help, call our office and we will be more than happy to assist you!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

The Importance of Using Dental Benefits

February 25, 2014

In December, we talked about the advantages of using your dental benefits before the year ended. Since we are early into 2014, we want to emphasize that point, making sure you remain in excellent oral health all through the year. Dr. Giamberardino is ready to help you make sure that all of your dental needs are taken care of, no matter how simple or complex.

Many people may not know that once the year ends, the benefits you accumulated throughout do not roll over to the next year. In order to start of 2014 on good footing, we recommend planning ahead and taking full advantage of your benefits before the end of the year. Since the American Dental Association recommends you visit your dentist at least twice a year, make it a priority to schedule your checkup appointments. The checkups are especially beneficial, as we take that opportunity to investigate your entire mouth, looking for any early signs of disease. If you were to put that off, the cost could end up being a lot more expensive and come out of your own pocket, versus having your dental benefits take care of the issue for you.

If you have a filling that needs to be restored, a new crown, or need to replace your dentures, it is important to use your dental benefits for that as well, as it gives you the opportunity to use up your annual maximums. All of this will end up saving you money down the road, and your mouth will be in better health because of it. Also, if you have a Health Savings Account (HAS) at your job, we will be more than happy to help you plan ahead for whatever dental needs you may have! If you have any questions, please call our office and we will be glad to help!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

February 12, 2014

Dental implants, yo.Many people consider a smile a first impression, and when you are not confident in your smile, it can be detrimental to your self-esteem. If you have teeth missing from your smile, you may lack the confidence it takes to make a memorable first impression. Aside from being aesthetically displeasing, having missing teeth can be detrimental for the rest of your teeth, as they will start to shift to fill the empty space. Luckily, Dr. Giamberardino is able to offer a permanent solution to your dental woes with the help of dental implants.

Your journey to dental implants begins with a consultation with Dr. Giamberardino. There, he will be able to fully assess your smile in its current state, and he will speak with you about what your long term goals are regarding your smile. During the consultation, you will also be able to address any questions or concerns you may have, as we want you to be informed every step of the way.

If it is determined you are a candidate for dental implants, the procedure commences with embedding a titanium screw into the socket where the missing tooth is. This screw will act as a new tooth root, and will fuse with your bone. After that, the abutment is added, which is essentially a support system for the implant and the crown. The tooth-resembling crown is added after the abutment, completing your new, beautiful smile!

One of the great things about dental implants is the fact they can last a lifetime, and they look like your natural teeth! Dental implants are easy to take care of, and, most importantly, they can restore your self confidence. When you are confident in your smile and yourself, that confidence has the potential to leak into many areas of your life, resulting in a more well-rounded life! If you have any questions on dental implants and how Dr. Giamberardino can help, make an appointment today!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Why You Should Choose Giamberardino Dental Care

January 22, 2014

Dr. GiamberardinoWhen people go dentist shopping for the first time or are thinking about switching dentists, it can be a very daunting task. You have to find a dentist you feel comfortable, a dentist you just click with. At Giamberardino Dental Care, we strive to make sure you are completely comfortable and enjoy your visit to our office. Dr. Giamberardino and our very experienced team make your comfort our number one priority.

We have several amenities to make sure you are well taken care of. We offer refreshments, and have satellite radio for you to enjoy music during your experience. We also offer very comfortable neck rests for you to relax, television, and deliciously warm hand towels.

With over 200 years of combined experience between our doctor and intelligent team, there is no doubt we will be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Also, with Dr. Giamberardino being a member of numerous organizations and receiving the Harvard Community Health Plan DIAMOND AWARD for his excellence in patient care, you can be sure you are in well-equipped hands.

If you are on the lookout for a new doctor, we sincerely hope you let Giamberardino Dental Care take care of you and your family’s needs. We will be sure to make you our top priority in achieving excellent oral health!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Give Your Gums the Star Treatment

January 8, 2014

shutterstock_144914185A lot of people may not know this, but besides your dentist, you alone are the main fighter in making sure you are in excellent oral health. Your dentist can only do so much, but it is up to you to make sure you keep up the excellent work. The important thing is to remember healthy gums is a key component in having a healthy smile. Though many may not find important in flossing or mouthwash, they are a couple of key factors in a long-lasting, exceptional smile.

At Giamberardino Dental Care, we emphasize gum health. Over 80% of the population has some form of gum disease. Although gum disease is completely reversible of caught early on, if left untreated, it can lead to severe complications like heart disease, tooth loss, and bone disease.

One of the things you can do to make sure you have healthy gums is to floss at least twice a day. Floss eliminates the food trapped between your teeth, preventing bacteria from making your gums their new home. Studies have shown that regular flossing is one way to lower your risk of heart disease.

Using mouth wash is also an excellent way to have beautiful gums. Though brushing your teeth definitely eliminates bacteria, tooth brushes can only go so far. Using mouthwash reaches all the nooks and crannies you can miss. Definitely choose an antibacterial mouthwash, and preferably one with fluoride. This way, it will kill any remaining bacteria, as well as strengthen your teeth.

These simple tools can definitely help you with your journey of perfect oral health. If you feel as though your gums are in need of some assistance and want Dr. Giamberardino to help, call us and make an appointment, and we’d be more than happy to help!

Giamberardino Dental Care provides quality general and cosmetic dentistry from our Medford, MA dental office. We serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.