Have you ever heard the expression “you are what you eat?” Although it isn’t true in the literal sense, in many ways, the adage does have some proverbial truth to it, especially concerning foods that are good for you. If you eat healthy, you’ll be healthy; and one part of you that is heavily influenced by your diet is your mouth! Certain foods can actually play a huge role in your overall oral health and prevent serious issues from developing. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about some of the mouth-healthy foods out there that can safeguard your smile.
(more…)Giamberardino Blog
Mouth-Healthy Foods That Protect Your Teeth & Gums
August 11, 2022
5 Common Teeth-Cleaning Mistakes You Should Absolutely Avoid
August 4, 2022
One of the pillars of maintaining a happy and healthy smile is practicing regular oral hygiene. But when it comes to doing this, there are a few mistakes and pitfalls that you should be certain to avoid, as they can end up causing more harm than good! Keep reading to learn more from your dentist in Medford about five of the common blunders that people make when caring for their smiles and how you can avoid them.
(more…)5 Trendy Products That Can Harm Your Teeth
July 26, 2022
Whether it’s for fitness or skin care, you may have seen or heard of numerous products that provide various health benefits. Although many of them can improve your overall well-being, some can be detrimental to your smile. Not only can they affect the condition of your pearly whites, but they can increase the risk of more serious oral health issues. Read on to learn five popular trends that are bad for your teeth and why you should avoid them!
(more…)4 Ways to Save Your Summer Vacation From a Dental Emergency
July 7, 2022
Summer is the season of relaxation, vacations, and having fun in the sun. If you’re planning on a trip, then the last thing you’d want is to experience a dental emergency. Not only can this mess up the summer vibes, but it can put your oral health at risk of further complications. For this reason, your dentist in Medford suggests four practices that can help keep your teeth safe and healthy during summer vacation!
(more…)3 Cosmetic Dental Treatments to Choose From This Summer
June 21, 2022
Are you interested in enhancing your smile? Whether you’re struggling with discolored or mildly damaged teeth, it can often feel embarrassing to show your pearly whites when talking or laughing. Since it’s also summer, you’ll likely want to look your best while having your fun in the sun. For this reason, your cosmetic dentist in Medford suggests three dental treatments that can help you achieve your dream smile!
(more…)3 Foods You Might Be Surprised Can Cause Cavities
June 7, 2022
Do you actively try to prevent cavities? If so, then you’ve probably learned that brushing and flossing as well as avoiding sugary snacks are effective ways to protect your teeth. However, sweet treats aren’t the only things that can increase your risk of tooth decay. Keep reading from your dentist in Medford about three surprising cavity-causing foods you might also want to avoid!
(more…)Can You Brush Your Teeth Too Hard?
May 18, 2022
You’ve probably been told your whole life that you need to brush your teeth twice a day to achieve optimal oral health and wellness. This is certainly true—but has anyone ever told you that you can actually brush your teeth too hard? Dentists estimate that 10 – 20 percent of people damage their teeth or gums from overbrushing. Keep reading to learn more about the potential dangers of brushing your teeth too hard, along with some tips from your dentist concerning proper brushing methods.
(more…)5 Tips for A Healthy Smile During Summertime
May 4, 2022
Summertime is finally here—hopefully you’re gearing up for a season filled with sunny days at the beach, poolside shenanigans, evening backyard cookouts and more! But while you’re enjoying yourself this summer, something you should keep in mind is your oral health—there are many things out there that can potentially jeopardize your smile and ruin your fun, including the things you drink! Here are five tips from your dentist to help your smile stay healthy and beautiful this summer.
(more…)Are You at Risk for Oral Cancer?
April 24, 2022
Cancer is generally associated with being discovered during an appointment at the doctor, but it comes in many forms, so that’s not always the case. There are times when a visit to the dentist could bring about a cancer diagnosis for someone. According to the American Cancer Society, over 51,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year. While that statistic is worrisome, it is important to remember that an early diagnosis and prompt treatment can improve your chances of survival. With that in mind, read on as your dentist in Medford shares the signs, risk factors, and prevention tactics.
(more…)Tips on Investing Your Tax Refund to Improve Your Oral Health
April 4, 2022
You are probably excited to see some extra cash that doesn’t need to be devoted to your normal expenditures when you get a tax refund each April. Many people blow the money on items they don’t really need, but there are all sorts of things you could spend it on. One option you could definitely benefit from is investing in your oral health. Continue reading to learn from your dentist in Medford a few reasons why you should put your tax refund into your smile!