(781) 396-3800

Tips on Investing Your Tax Refund to Improve Your Oral Health

April 4, 2022

wallet of money

You are probably excited to see some extra cash that doesn’t need to be devoted to your normal expenditures when you get a tax refund each April. Many people blow the money on items they don’t really need, but there are all sorts of things you could spend it on. One option you could definitely benefit from is investing in your oral health. Continue reading to learn from your dentist in Medford a few reasons why you should put your tax refund into your smile!


5 Dental Health Issues That Can Be Hereditary

March 25, 2022

family spending time in a field

From the color of your hair to your facial features, there are plenty of physical qualities that are passed down by your parents. Whether its genetics or simply daily habits, most people are born with similar conditions as those before them. But did you know that dental health issues could also be hereditary? Keep reading from your dentist in Medford on five oral problems you can inherit from your predecessors!  


4 Ways You Can Spring Clean Your Smile!

March 9, 2022

woman smiling in Medford

Now that it’s spring, you’re probably planning on what to start cleaning up first. Whether it’s to clear out the closet or tidy up the living room, your goal is to feel refreshed for the year to come! But have you considered how you could enhance your dental health this season? Read on to learn from your dentist in Medford four ways you can spring clean your smile!


How Gum Disease Can Harm Your Heart

February 17, 2022

person smiling and making a heart with their hands

When it comes to taking care of your heart, eating well, exercising, maintaining a good weight, keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure under control, and managing stress are a few ways to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. Though it’s a lesser-known way to keep your heart in good condition, having good oral health can also have a significant impact. Read on to learn about how oral health issues, particularly gum disease, can harm your heart and what you can do to prevent it from developing.


4 Valentine’s Day Dental Gifts

February 2, 2022

person giving their partner Valentine’s Day dental gifts

The exact origin of Valentine’s Day is unknown, but every February 14 couples spend the day showing their love for one another through gifts like teddy bears, roses, and romantic outings. There’s nothing wrong with giving them one of these classic presents, but Valentine’s Day dental gifts are an interesting way to put a twist on the holiday. Read on to learn four ideas for gifts you can give your partner that will make them smile from ear to ear and encourage better oral health.


5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile

January 21, 2022

people holding 2022 New Year’s balloons

Maintaining a healthy smile isn’t always lead. With the business that life brings comes forgetfulness, and with forgetfulness comes oral health issues. If your smile isn’t looking the way you wish it did, why not make a change? New Year’s resolutions are an excellent way to do that and can help you set your eyes on the prize over the next 365 days. To help you get your smile on track, read on for four New Year’s resolutions that can give your pearly whites the boost they need!


Dental Health Not Where You’d Like It? Here Are the Diet Trends to Avoid

January 10, 2022

woman choosing diet trends before visiting dentist in Medford

You’ve decided to make some big changes in your lifestyle, more specifically your overall health. You might be thinking of hitting the gym with some friends, or maybe starting a diet program you haven’t tried before. But what about your smile? You might think visiting a dentist once in a while or brushing your teeth is good enough to maintain great oral health, but there are some trendy diets that might keep you from achieving your newfound goals. Your local dentist in Medford can help you identify which diets could be harming your teeth in the long run.


How Understanding the Parts of Your Mouth Can Improve Oral Care

December 24, 2021

illustration of open mouth

The first thing you learn about oral care is how to keep your teeth clean and healthy. Obviously, there is a lot more to your mouth than just your teeth, and the more you know about other aspects the better you can do for your oral health in general.

Some parts of the mouth affect your teeth and gums more than others and are crucial to preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Other parts often display symptoms of diseases such as oral cancer, providing important diagnostic clues for your dentist in Medford. Keep reading to learn more about the human mouth.


Oral Health: Give a Gift That Keeps on Giving

December 4, 2021

Christmas toothbrush illustration

You remember what it was like to be a child and the excitement of Christmas morning. These days, the only thing better than giving your kids a gift they are excited about is giving them one they are glad to receive that also helps keep them healthy!

Your dentist in Medford has some ideas about stocking stuffers that can keep their teeth and gums in tip-top condition. Keep reading for suggestions to get the kiddos on board with oral care.


What Are Key Dental Implant Questions for My Dentist?

November 24, 2021

mature woman writing

There is no better way to learn about a topic than to ask a knowledgeable source some good questions. Coming to a dental implant consultation with a bevy of questions for your dentist is far superior to just showing up and asking, “What do I need to know?”

Deciding to get dental implants in Medford is a big decision, so you must get all the information you need to make a confident choice. Keep reading to get some ideas on asking pertinent questions to your implant dentist.
