April is oral cancer awareness month, and we’d like to bring some facts to your attention that you may not know. While there isn’t a huge spotlight on oral cancer, it is actually responsible for one death every hour of every day. It will also affect close to 50,000 Americans this year alone, half of which will not be alive in the next five years. So even though we don’t hear that much about it, oral cancer is serious, and it’s numbers really haven’t improved over the years. This is due to late diagnosis, and why your dentist in Medford is reminding you not to miss your oral cancer screening!
Your Dentist in Medford Reminds You Not to Miss Your Oral Cancer Screening
April 19, 2017
CEREC One-Visit Crowns Offer Medford Patients a Better Solution
April 8, 2017
As you sit in the chair listening to your dentist talk about the treatment you need, it’s going in one ear and out the other. He said the dreaded words “you need a dental crown” and you tuned out, immediately thinking that you’ll never be able to fit that into your work schedule. The last time you had a crown done, it took 4 weeks to complete, not to mention the two additional visits required when your temporary crown kept coming off. He insists that you need this treatment done soon, and he also said something else you’re not sure you heard right – it can be done in one visit with CEREC technology?
Routine Visits With Your Dentist in Medford Improve Your Overall Health
March 27, 2017
With all of the emerging information we’ve learned about how your oral health and your overall health are related, we can tell you that there’s never been a more important time to take charge of your oral health. We now understand that the bacteria that causes periodontal (gum) disease also contributes to other health concerns in the body such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and vice versa. Giamberardino Dental Care wants you to know how routine visits with your dentist in Medford improve your overall health.
Take the Entire Family to Your Medford Dentist!
March 17, 2017
Finding a dental provider who can care for your entire family is not only more convenient for you, it’s also more comfortable for your children. When they’re able to see the same dentist they know from your appointments, they may feel more at ease during their own visits. For over three decades Dr. Anthony Giamberardino has been offering high quality care to Medford families, so you can feel comfortable taking the entire family to your Medford dentist. Here are some of the services you can expect when you choose Giamberardino Dental Care.
Why Visit the Dentist in Medford Every 6 Months?
January 30, 2017
Visiting the dentist twice a year takes up just about four hours out of a whopping 8,760 annually, and it can help you enjoy a healthy smile for a lifetime to come. It’s a tiny investment in time for a huge reward — so why do so many adults avoid regular dental care? Perhaps they don’t really realize why these appointments with the dentist in Medford are so important. Here, we’ve listed the top five reasons you shouldn’t ignore your regular dental care. Keep reading, then contact us to schedule an appointment today!
Dentist in Medford Explains What to Do In a Dental Emergency
January 22, 2017
You know what to do in the most common emergencies: house fire, call the fire department. Broken bone, emergency room. Spotty internet? Get ready to wait on hold. But what do you do when you experience a dental emergency? Skip the ER — unnecessary trips put a strain on everyone. Dr. Anthony Giamberardino, your dentist in Medford, is equipped to handle most urgent situations. What you do in the meantime can mean the difference in saving your tooth or not, so here’s what to do in a dental emergency.
Options for Replacing Missing Teeth
December 22, 2016
Living with one or more missing teeth affects your life every day! Things like ordering food at a restaurant, or smiling for the family photo become difficult or embarrassing, and it takes a toll on your confidence. Dr. Anthony Giamberardino has been providing patients in MA with high quality dentistry for over thirty years, and he has solutions for patients who struggle with missing teeth. Here are some of your options for replacing missing teeth.
Tips for Maintaining Your Family’s Oral Health Between Dental Visits
December 3, 2016
Because periodontal health is now linked with overall health and well being, we understand that there’s never been a more important time to take charge of your oral health. Besides routine dental cleanings and checkups, which are your best line of defense against oral health issues, there are a number of things you can do at home to promote optimum oral health. Dr. Anthony Giamberardino, your premiere family dentist in Medford, has tips for maintaining your family’s oral health between dental visits.
Restorative Dentistry in Medford Can Repair a Damaged or Failing Smile
November 20, 2016
When you have teeth in need of repair, you may not feel very comfortable or confident about smiling. This affects your self-esteem, not to mention the toll it takes on your oral health. Decayed or fractured teeth may become infected if they’re left untreated, which leads to further damage. Dr. Anthony Giamberardino doesn’t want you to lose hope because restorative dentistry in Medford can repair a damaged or failing smile.
Achieving Your Dream Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry
November 10, 2016
Did you know that people with beautiful smiles are often perceived as more confident, happier, and more successful? You probably didn’t realize that your teeth are such a powerful tool however, a dazzling smile gives you the confidence to achieve great things! Are you satisfied with the appearance of your teeth? If not, Dr. Anthony Giamberardino has solutions for you, and he can help you achieve your dream smile with cosmetic dentistry.