(781) 396-3800

Use Your Dental Benefits Now Says a Dentist in Medford

October 9, 2018

A denture holding a 100-dollar bill.Did you know that the average dental insurance plan mostly goes unused? According to the American Dental Association, the average American with dental insurance receives only $323 of dental benefits every year, despite having an average annual maximum of $1,250. That means you’re likely leaving about $927 of dental benefits on the table per year.

Luckily, a dentist in Medford is prepared to help you make the most out of the dental benefits you paid for. Keep reading to learn more about this issue and how to solve it!


How to Safeguard Your Smile from an Emergency Dentist in Medford

September 2, 2018

Man with dental pain.Do you know what to do in the event of a dental disaster? Dental emergencies, as their name may suggest, are incredibly hard to plan for as you don’t know when they’ll actually occur. However, there are some tips you should know on how to handle a dental emergency. Knowing what to do when a dental disaster strikes is the best way you can prepare yourself for an emergency that hasn’t happened yet! Keep reading to learn what you can do to safeguard your smile from an emergency dentist in Medford.


Overcome Your Dental Fear! A Dentist in Medford Can Help

September 1, 2018

Woman smiling in dentist's chair.Did you know dental fear affects around 20% of today’s population. If you’re afraid of the dentist, you’re not alone. Not many of us look forward to going to the dentist, but some skip their appointments all together. Dental checkups and cleanings are an important part of keeping yourself healthy through out the year and skipping them can affect your health negatively. Keep reading to learn tips on how to overcome your fear and visit your dentist in Medford today!


How to Find the Right Dentist in Medford for Your Needs

August 31, 2018

31family brushing teeth as groupIn many ways, finding the right dentist in Medford is like looking for a job. Success means matching your needs and priorities to the options available. A practice that’s perfect for one household may be less than ideal for another. Fortunately, our area has many fine professionals from which to choose.


How to Properly Care for Your Dental Implants in Medford

August 11, 2018

An older woman at her dental appointment.Once your implants have fully healed and your restoration is placed on top, it’s going to become increasingly difficult for you to recognize it from the rest of your teeth. Chewing will be easier, you’ll smile with confidence, and your friends and family won’t know the difference! With that being said, that doesn’t mean you can forgo your routine at-home care and dental appointments.

Even with successful implantation, your gums and surrounding teeth will need to stay healthy. Consider these steps on caring for your new dental implants in Medford.


Your Dentist In Medford Helps Patients Properly Address Toothaches

July 16, 2018

A man with a toothache.Imagine you wake up one morning and your tooth starts to ache. Thinking nothing of it, you continue getting ready by brushing your teeth, showering, getting dressed, and making breakfast. The pain begins to subside, but as you drink your cup of coffee, the pain worsens. Now you’re starting to get worried.

When tooth pain appears, patients often aren’t sure when it’s time to get it addressed by their dentist in Medford. After reading this post, you’ll know exactly when it’s time to see him!


Dentist in Medford: How Men and Women Differ on Oral Care Habits

July 9, 2018

A man and woman brushing their teeth.Dentists are always taking the time to learn more about their patient bases, as well as the rest of the country when it comes oral care habits. Thanks to increased dental health awareness and access to professional services, more people overall are visiting their dentist and performing at-home care. However, there’s always room for improvement.

Today, your dentist in Medford will go over research studies that look at the dental care habits of men and women in greater detail and determine once and for all who’s the most committed.


Here’s What Happens When You Skip Visits to Your Dentist in Medford

June 6, 2018

portrait of a smiling familyAccording to the Commonwealth Fund, 32% of US adults skipped routine dental visits in 2016. Are you among that portion of people not receiving the preventive care that helps you steer clear of tooth decay, gum disease, and other potential oral health problems? You should know that getting a checkup and cleaning every six months is vital for your oral and overall well-being. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of these appointments with your dentist in Medford.


Dentist in Medford Says Don’t Skip These 3 Habits

woman at the dentistIf you’re like most people, you do at least the bare minimum to keep your teeth and gums healthy. That often means brushing your teeth when they feel dirty in the morning and flossing between them once in a while. But the truth is, healthy, long-lasting smiles require a bit more than that. This summer, your dentist in Medford invites you to re-examine your oral hygiene habits — and consider adding these 3 habits to the mix.


Spring Forward with Teeth Whitening in Medford from Your Dentist!

May 23, 2018

teeth whitening gel custom trayThe spring season is here and with it comes a host of events that you could be involved in. Whether it’s a wedding, reunion, vacation or graduation ceremony, you want to be sure that you can smile for pictures with confidence and really enjoy each moment. If you have stained teeth, though, you’re more likely to not feel comfortable. Thankfully, your dentist has a remedy – teeth whitening in Medford. Read on to learn how you can benefit from it!
