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A Healthy Smile From Santa: 4 Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffers

December 15, 2023

A colorful stocking against a wooden background

Well, it’s finally happening – the end of 2023. Christmas will be here soon, with New Year’s Eve not far behind. As such, you may be scrambling for last-minute holiday gifts. Amid your hustle, though, don’t forget to add a few smile-friendly presents to the mix. They’ll ensure your loved ones enjoy healthy grins as the year winds down! If you need any suggestions, your Medford dentist will share a few. So, here are four stocking stuffers that promote oral health.

Fun & New Toothbrushes

At first glance, you may not think toothbrushes count as “fun.” However, the right kind can be as exciting as a new toy or gadget. Consider getting a few for your family’s stockings.

In particular, tailor each toothbrush to its recipient’s age. For a little kid, you might buy a brush with colorful designs or pictures of funny characters. A tween would likely enjoy an electric one that sings pop music. As for an adult, you could opt for a high-end brand that’s rechargeable or has a timer.

Flavored Toothpaste & Floss

For many, brushing and flossing can feel like tedious chores. The habits are something to “work through,” not enjoy. Given that fact, try gifting your loved ones flavored dental products.

In reality, many toothpaste and flosses come in different flavors. You could find some that appeal to the giftee’s taste. For instance, popular flavors include orange, grape, watermelon, bubblegum, and more. Whatever you choose, though, make sure the product has the ADA Seal of Approval. 

Tooth-Friendly Treats

During the holidays, it feels nearly impossible to resist sweets. Cookies, cakes, and candies can seem ever-present. To avoid early cavities, then, add tooth-friendly treats to this year’s stockings.

There are plenty of tasty things that go easy on sugar. Clementines are a good example, as are nuts and dried fruit. Sugar-free gum is also an option, as it keeps teeth clean between brushing sessions.

You might even go for chocolate – it dissolves quickly and is easier to clean from smiles.

Sports Mouthguard

Maybe your child or friend plays sports a lot. If so, they might harm their teeth due to accidents or injuries. Luckily, you could protect their grin by gifting them a mouthguard.

Indeed, your loved one could find a mouthguard very useful. It’d shield their teeth from forces that cause chips or breaks. That way, an unexpected tackle or collision won’t lead to a busted smile.

Ultimately, stocking stuffers can promote oral health and fun. That being the case, gift the ones above while you still have time!