(781) 396-3800

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Pay Off at Work

December 5, 2023

Confident businesswoman with a beautiful smile

When talking to people about restorative dentistry, the benefits are easy to quantify. Filling cavities and treating gum disease can create measurable health benefits, alleviating pain and improving immune health.

In the case of cosmetic dentistry, on the other hand, it can be a bit harder to make a case for the benefits of the procedure. It can feel a bit more abstract, but the merits of looking your best are equally as real. For example, well-done cosmetic dentistry could do a lot for your career— here’s how.

Starting with a Smile

Whether you’re working in a client-facing environment or you’re interviewing for a new position, first impressions are important. You need to show that you’re open, capable, confident within moments of meeting, and there’s no better way to do it than with a smile.

If you’re unhappy with your teeth, you may wind up smiling less than you would otherwise. In that way, the benefit of cosmetic dentistry can help you to improve how you come off to others.

Closing with Clients

For people who work in sales, and particularly with business professionals, appearance is key. If you’re taking the time to make sure that you’re dressing well, that your hair looks good, and even that your accessories convey professionalism, you should put the same effort into your teeth.

When surveyed, around 50% of business owners said that they were less likely to partner with someone if their dental health was obviously lacking. Cosmetic dentistry can ensure that you aren’t losing out on clients because they’re turned off by your smile.

The Power of Confidence

The best way to convince the people you work with that you’re someone worth trusting is to have confidence in yourself, and with a subpar smile it can be a little bit hard to manage that.

Cosmetic dentistry can give you teeth to be proud of, and that confidence can be felt by everyone around you.

People can sometimes worry about the cost of cosmetic dentistry, but the fact is that you’re absolutely getting something valuable for what you pay: confidence that can help you improve your career, and could even make you more money in the future.

About the Author

Dr. Anthony Giamberardino loves nothing more than being able to give back to his community and is very proud that his chosen career allows him to do that. He has nearly 40 years of experience as a dentist, and it’s always a joy for him to be able to share that clinical expertise with others. Dr. Giamberardino received his degree from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He is currently a proud member of both the American Dental Association and the Massachusetts Dental Society.

If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (781) 396-3800.