(781) 396-3800

The Finest Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment

May 27, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-187872302Everyone wants a brighter, bolder, and very attractive smile. When you look into a mirror, you want to see a smile that stops everyone in their tracks. If you already have a million dollar smile, congratulations! For those of us who weren’t blessed with a perfect set of pearly whites, the staff at Giamberardino Dental Care is here to help with cosmetic dentistry treatment that is second to none in Medord, MA.

What Could Cosmetic Dentistry Do For You?

We specialize in smile makeovers. No matter what type of service you need, we can make it happen. From teeth whitening and porcelain veneers to CEREC all-ceramic restorations and more, we have the tools and the team to give you a winning smile.

How important is having a winning smile? Well, an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry poll shows that people with an attractive smile are considered more intelligent, happy, successful with their careers, friendly, interesting, kind, and sensitive to others. These are all great qualities to have, and make you a lot more approachable whether it’s in the professional or personal world. When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Giamberardino, he’ll discuss your smile imperfections and which type of smile you’d like to achieve. He’ll evaluate your teeth and gums, assess your bite and existing dental work, then recommend procedures that meet your preferences. Thanks to the office’s state-of-the-art technology, he can create a computer simulation of your future smile. How cool is that? You can literally peak into the future at what your smile will eventually look like.

The Teeth-Whitening Experts

It’s no wonder why teeth whitening has become so popular – it’s fast, effective and convenient. Everyone wants options, and we offer a great option. Come visit us for custom take-home whitening trays. These work great and you’ll see results quickly. If whitening can’t get your teeth as bright as you’d like, veneers or bonding may be a more practical solution.

Schedule an Appointment with Us

Dr. Giamberardino takes great pride in creating smiles that not only function correctly, but get noticed everywhere you go. To make an appointment, please speak with our staff located at our Medford, MA office. We also serve the surrounding communities of Somerville, Arlington, Cambridge, Winchester, Melrose and beyond.